
Brief on ARMTI



In the late ’70s it became clear that our dependence on oil revenue to the neglect of agricultural development was unreliable for national economic and social development. The Federal Government of Nigeria then pumped a lot of money into reviving agricultural activities and productivity in Nigeria. However, it was soon realized that the huge investments in agriculture would not yield the desired results because of an acute shortage of manpower with requisite managerial skills and capability. Consequently, an institute to train and develop the required manpower to manage the many agricultural and rural development projects existing and being planned, became a necessity. In 1980, with the assistance of a World Bank loan, ARMTI was established to satisfy this need.

Contact Details

Head Office
Km. 18, Ilorin-Ajase-Ipo Highway
Phone: +234 706 308 6085
Email: info@armti.gov.ng
Website: www.armti.gov.ng


Consultancy and Advisory Services

ARMTI provides consultancy services to both public and private sector organizations engaged in the task of agricultural and rural development. Such consultancy advice is based on an in-depth diagnostic study of the client organization which is followed by assistance from ARMTI for implementing appropriate management intervention to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the client organization.

Two African American business partners are working on a laptop together on a joint project. Mutual assistance and establishment of social contacts

Research and Diagnostic Services

The ARMTI research service helps faculty and staff researchers develop competitive proposals and resubmissions for external funding, and inform decision making for policy development. Our services include management and advice on proposal development based on best practices, expert advice on budget preparation, location of needed resources, provide trainings and workshops as well as help with project management and Implementation.

Dissemination of Agric. Information

Training, Workshops, Seminars, Annual Public Lectures along with publications resulting from our research, consultancy and advisory services afford ARMTI the opportunity to reach a broader audience and constitute an essential multiplier of ARMTI’s impact.


Policy and Procedure Development

ARMTI offers services in the development of agricultural, rural and social development policies.  The Institute also develops National and sector Gender Policies and Management procedures.

Our process of developing policies and procedures is an activity that generally involves research, analysis, consultation and synthesis of information to produce recommendations.

 It involves an evaluation of options against a set of criteria used to assess each option. Our effective policy process is one that is generally characterized by the following five attributes:

  1.  Issue Identification
  2.  Issue Analysis
  3.  Generating Solutions
  4.  Consultation
  5.  Performance Monitoring


Background of ARMTI

The Nigerian agricultural sector suffered a major setbackbecause of the oil boom of the 1970s. One of the major steps taken by the government to put agriculture back on track was the establishment of Agricultural Development Projects (ADPs) across the nation. The need to develop human resources to manage these ADPs and other agricultural institutions led to the establishment of the Agricultural and Rural Management Training Institute (ARMTI) as a parastatal of the then Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources (FMANR) in 1980.


The Institute is headed by an Executive Director who reports through a Board of Governors to the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Membership of the Board is made up of: Three Federal Government nominees from the private and public sectors.

  1. A representative of the Kwara State Polytechnic.
  2. The Federal Director of Agriculture.
  3. A representative of the National Universities. Commission.
  4. Executive Director / Chief Executive of ARMTI.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a world-class Management Development Institute, facilitating the development and application of best management practices for the Agricultural and Rural Sector.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to identify and analyze management problems/ needs and develop appropriate interventions to improve managerial practice in the Agricultural and Rural Sector.

Our Value Statement

ARMTI is committed to excellence in service delivery, with highly trained staff, imbibing a culture of prompt response to clients’ needs, while upholding the highest standards of integrity.

Our Objectives

ARMTI’s services, which are primarily directed at the agricultural and rural sector, are to:

  1. Provide management training;
  2. Provide consultancy and advisory services;
  3. Conduct applied management research, special and diagnostic studies;
  4. Disseminate management information; and
  5. Contribute to policy development, which would enhance better management of the agricultural and rural sector in Nigeria.

Our Training Scope

ARMTI’s training programme cover the following major areas:

  • Planning and management of agricultural and rural development;
  • Human resource development and general management;
  • Agricultural finance and rural credit management;
  • Entrepreneurship and small/medium enterprise development and management;
  • Management information system and data processing;
  • Gender issues and youth development;
  • Agricultural research management;
  • Rural infrastructure and institutions development management; and
  • Extension management.

Besides regular training courses, ARMTI also organizes workshops, seminars and conferences on topical issues relating to agricultural and rural development policy and management. For many years, ARMTI has been organizing international courses and has been reputed as a Centre of excellence in management training in Africa.

Our Approach

Practical: ARMTI courses are designed to provide practical assistance to all grades of managers serving in the agricultural and rural sector in the three tiers of government viz: local, state and federal. 

Participatory: The training methods emphasize shared learning experiences, case studies, role plays and syndicate discussions to ensure that course subject matter is applied to real life situations. ARMTI also runs special management clinics, and laboratories for improving human interaction. Our training approach is enriched by modern training technology such as multimedia equipment and resourceful study tours. 

Responsive: ARMTI courses have been developed to meet the training needs identified in a systematic survey of client organizations, and are regularly revised in the light of changing demands. 

Follow – up: A follow-up system has been adopted to help participants apply what they have learnt in the classroom to their job situations. For instance, participants may be asked to carry out practical projects or assignments which will then be reviewed by ARMTI faculty. In other cases, client organizations may be visited after training, to give further coaching and assistance to participants and to up-date information already provided.


These are job-specific and performance-based special training packages designed to respond to the unique requirements of individual organizations. These specialized packages have been found to be more economical and rewarding because theyenable organizations to train more people on their sites at minimum cost.


ARMTI also provides consultancy services to both public and private sectororganizations engaged in the task of agricultural and rural development. Such consultancy advice is based on an in-depth diagnostic study of the client organisation, which is followed by assistance from ARMTI for implementing appropriate management intervention to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the client organization. In the past years, ARMTI has provided consultancy services to the Agricultural Development Projects (ADPs), Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN), Nigerian Agip Oil Company’s Green River Project, United Nations Development Programme, InternationalLabour Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations sponsored projects, Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC), Elf Petroleum (Nigeria) Limited, Delta State Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Justice Development and Peace Commission (JDPC), of the Archdiocese of Ibadan, etc.

Information Services

Training, Workshops, Seminars, Annual Public Lectures along with publications resulting from research, consultancy and advisory services afford ARMTI the opportunity to reach a broader audience and constitute an essentialmultiplier of ARMTI’s impact.

Training Associates

Even though ARMTI’s faculty is equipped with diversified top-notch talents in management training, the need for special skills cannot be over-emphasized. In our continuous efforts to meet our customers’ needs, a select crop of experts are invited from time to time to inject complementary experiences and practical insights into our training and research activities. Such experts are drawn from the universities, the private sector, the ADP’s and most especially from the pool of highly experienced retired managers across the nation. Besides its being cost effective, the exchange of ideas between our faculty and these associates generate a balanced and unique approach needed for improved management education.

Our Clients

ARMTI serves the nation-wide Agricultural Development Projects (ADP), the River Basin Development Authorities (RBDAs),Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, State Ministries of Agriculture and Natural Resources (MANR), National Agricultural Research Institutes, Forestry and Livestock sub-sectors,Agricultural-business Organizations,Private Corporations, NDDC, Oil and Gas Companies, etc.

Collaboration with International Organizations

In addition to functional relationships with national organizations, ARMTI has successfully developed collaborative arrangements with international agencies, such as: The Commonwealth Secretariat (COMSEC) in London, the World Bank Institute, Centre for Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP); Eastern and Southern Africa Management Institute (ESAMI) in Arusha, Tanzania; Centre for Integrated Rural Development in Africa (CIRDAFRIC); International Labour Organization (ILO); Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO); West African Management Development Institutes Network (WAMDEVIN); and the National Academy for Agricultural Research Management (NAARM) India. The Afro-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO) and Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA), Khartoum, Sudan.

International Programmes

ARMTI is recognized by international agencies as an appropriate centre to organize national courses funded by them and as an international training centre of excellence in Africa. We have already organized international courses on Agricultural Project Planning and Management and Rural Credit Management Programmes financed by the COMSEC and an Agricultural Research Management Programme for Research Scientists sponsored by IITA/ICRISAT/WARDA. The World Bank Institute has endorsed ARMTI as a centre of excellence which serves as the Regional base for the Agricultural Management Training for Africa (AMTA). The Institute served as the prime mover of the Research-Extension-Farmers-Input-Linkage System (REFILS) which is being adopted all over Africa. It has also been identified by AARDO as a centre of excellence for its programmes.

Management Training Services

ARMTI offers leadership and management training courses. You will level up compulsory skills and get to learn various innovative ways to manage and develop people, handle social issues, and discover new business prospects. Our leadership and management training courses help you develop those skills as they teach the professionals the important leadership principles and practices. 

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